Chi Kung (Qigong) Classes

8 Pieces of Brocade

The introduction to the first 8 exercises from the 18 Lohan Hands - the 8 Pieces of Brocade (Ba Duan Jin). We will focus on a single exercise each week to establish a solid foundation to your Chi Kung (Qigong) practice.

The purpose of these exercises is to generate energy (Chi / Qi) flow. As children, we all had vigorous energy flow in our bodies, but this gradually diminished as we age. Regular Chi Kung practice will bring back more vigorous flow of energy, enhancing vitality - it is beneficial for both physical and mental wellbeing.

This class will focus on coordinating physical form and breathing and generating energy flow. Over time, the practice will encourage and maintain general good health and vitality. You will also have a clear understanding of the difference between Chi Kung as energy work, and gentle physical exercise.

Please wear comfortable loose clothing and if possible clean indoor shoes.

Mondays @ 8am

Dragonfly Yoga Studio, Sydenham

Book Here

Shaolin Kungfu Classes